Template Tango Docs 1.x Help

Template Tango extra Filters

Specially crafted filters:

Filter name



Encodes a value as a json value


Encodes a value as a json value but first tries to cast to int, etc


Escapes a json string


Decode a json string for further processing


Escapes spaces (and other special chars) for url with a % symbol


Convert 'on', 'off', 'true', '1', 1 etc to boolean values


Boolifies the value and return the first or the second argument


Check if a variable with a name exists in the current scope


Retrieve a value by name from the current context, or a default,or null


Maps variables by name from the current context or an object to another object


Create objects from numbered variable names in the current scope


Create objects from variables in the current scope sharing the same prefix


Clean up extra newlines in texts and attempts to fix indentation


Example (VAR can be a string, number, boolean, null). Note that environment variables are always strings, so you need to cast them to the correct type.

{ "foo": {{ VAR | json_value }} }


json_casted_value tries to cast the value to a boolean, number or null before encoding it as a json value.

[ {{ 'True' | json_casted_value }}, {{ 'false' | json_casted_value }}, {{ 'null' | json_casted_value }}, {{ '124.5' | json_casted_value }}, {{ 'null' | json_casted_value }}, {{ 'foo' | json_casted_value }} ]


[ true, false, null, 124.5, null, "foo" ]


[ "-- {{ '"To be or not to be" - Shakespeare' | json_escape }} --" ]


[ "-- \"To be or not to be\" - Shakespeare --" ]


{% set json = '{"foo": "bar", "foobar": 2}' %} {% for key, value in json | json_decode %} {{ key }}: {{ value }} {% endfor %


Raw url encode is also called path encoding. It encodes spaces and other special characters with a percent symbol.

{{ 'To be or not to be' | rawurlencode }}




Convert various formats to a boolean.

Integer and float values (or strings that convert to an int or float) that are not 0 return true. Integer and float values (or strings that convert to an int or float) that equal 0 return false. null returns false The following strings return true: 'true', 'on', 'yes', 'y', 'enable', 'enabled' The following strings return false: 'false', 'off', 'no', 'n', 'disable', 'disabled'


{% if 'on' | boolify %} true {% endif %} {% if 'On' | boolify %} true {% endif %} {% if 'EnAbLed' | boolify %} true {% endif %} {% if 0.1 | boolify %} true {% endif %} {% if 'false' | boolify %} false {% endif %}


Return one of the arguments dependent upon the boolified value.


{{ 'enabled' | bool_switch('the switch is enabled', 'the switch is disabled' }} {{ 'off' | bool_switch('the switch is enabled', 'the switch is disabled' }}


the switch is enabled the switch is disabled


{% set foo = 'bar' %} Foo: {% if "foo" | exists %}{{ foo }}{% elseif %}does not exist{% endif %} Xyz: {% if "xyz" | exists %}{{ xyz }}{% elseif %}does not exist{% endif %}


Return a value of a variable by name in the current scope, or a default value if specified.

{% set foo = "foo_value" %} {{ "foo" | value("default_foo") }} {{ "bar" | value("default_bar") }}


foo default_bar


A powerful filter that maps variables by name from the current context or an object, to another object.

Useful to create uniform objects from .env parameters like:

  • HOST1=.., HOST2=..

  • PORT1=.., PORT2=..


{# map properties from one object to another #} {% set source = {"foo": "foo_value", "bar": "bar_value"} %} {% set mapping = {"attr1": "foo", "attr2": "bar", "attr3": "notexist"} %} {% set obj = mapping|apply_mapping(source) %} {{ obj.attr1 }}-{{ obj.attr2 }}-{{ obj.attr3 }} {# prints: `foo_value-bar_value-` }
{# create an object from variables in the current scope, with a default if they do not exists #} {% set default = "default_value" %} {% set foo = "foo_value" %} {% set bar = "bar_value" %} {% set obj = {"attr1": "foo", "attr2": "bar", "attr3": "notexist"} | apply_mapping(nil, nil, default) %} {{ obj.attr1 }}-{{ obj.attr2 }}-{{ obj.attr3 }} {# prints: `foo_value-bar_value-default_value` #}
{# create an object from variables in the current scope with a suffix, useful to create arrays of objects #} {# from environment variables like VARIABLE1=, VARIABLE2= #} {% set HOST1 = "example.com" %} {% set PORT1 = "443" %} {% set HOST2 = "foobar.com" %} {% set PORT2 = "80" %} {% set mapping = {"host": "HOST", "port": "PORT"} %} {% set obj1 = mapping|apply_mapping(nil, "1") %} {% set obj2 = mapping|apply_mapping(nil, "2") %} {{ obj1.host }}:{{ obj1.port }} {{ obj2.host }}:{{ obj2.port }} {# prints: #} {# example.com:443 #} {# foobar.com:80 #}


extract_objects is a powerful filter that can be used to extract objects from the current scope.


{% set HOST = "foo" %} {% set PORT = "80" %} {% set HOST_0 = "bar" %} {% set PORT_0 = "81" %} {% set HOST_1 = "qux" %} {% set PORT_1 = "82" %} {# included because it is the first key in the mapping #} {% set HOST_70 = "fooqux" %} {# NOT included becausethe first key in the mapping is missing #} {% set PORT_71 = "fooqux" %} {# try to map from 0...100 #} {% set params = {"host": "HOST", "port": "PORT"} | extract_objects(100, "HOST", "undefined") %} {{ params | json_encode }} {# output: [{"host":"foo","port":"80"},{"host":"bar","port":"81"},{"host":"qux","port":"82"},{"host":"fooqux","port":"undefined"}]} #} {% for paramObj in params %}{{ paramObj.host }}:{{ paramObj.port }} {% endfor %}


This filter returns a list of objects from variables with the same prefix. The prefix is the first part of the variable name before the first underscore. A number may be added after the prefix so multiple objects can be returned. You can specify an optional default value.

{% set proxy_host = "host" %} {% set proxy_port = "port" %} {% set proxy1_host = "host1" %} {% set proxy1_port = "port1" %} {% set proxy4_host = "host4" %} {% set proxy4_port = "port4" %} {% set objects = "proxy" | objects_from_prefix(10) %} {{ objects | json_encode }} Expect: [{"host":"host","port":"port"},{"host":"host1","port":"port1"},{"host":"host4","port":"port4"}] .. with default values {% set default = {"generator": "tango", "host": "default_host"} %} {% set proxy5_port = "port5" %} {% set objects = "proxy" | objects_from_prefix(10, default) %} {{ objects | json_encode }} Expect: [{"generator":"tango","host":"host","port":"port"},{"generator":"tango","host":"host1","port":"port1"},{"generator":"tango","host":"host4","port":"port4"},{"generator":"tango","host":"default_host","port":"port5"}]


Clean up multiple newlines and attempts to fix standardization. Converts tabs to spaces. Very useful in templates. Assumes indentation of 4 spaces.

{% set contents %} foo baz bar qwe qux test {% endset %} ====== {{ contents|tidy }} ======


====== foo baz bar qwe qux test ======
Last modified: 02 januari 2024