Template Tango Docs 1.x Help

Example with json in an env variable

You can pass json in an environment variable, and use it to create objects with defaults, or iterate over multiple items.


{# get the hosts as json from an ENV variable if you wish, and apply the json_decode filter. #} {# for this example we provide it as an hardcoded string #} {% set hosts = '[{"host": "localhost"}, {"host": "example.com", "scheme": "https", "port": 443}]' | json_decode %} {# elements of hosts are merged in a defaultHost with default value if they are not specified #} {% set defaultHost = {"host": null, "scheme": "http", "port": 80} %} {% for host in hosts %} {% set host = defaultHost | merge(host) %} <server> listen {{ host.host }}:{{ host.port }} {% if host.scheme == "https" %}ssl on{% else %}ssl off{% endif %} </server> {% endfor %}


<server> listen localhost:80 ssl off </server> <server> listen example.com:443 ssl on </server>
Last modified: 02 januari 2024